
Half body~$20~$32
Full body~$28~$50
Twitch Emoten/a~$20 each *
Twitch Sub Badgen/a~$16 each *

prices will vary based on commission complexity
*Twitch prices vary the most; DM me for more information!

Welcome! You can find more of my work on Instagram!


regular commissions:

[ sketched prices ]

  • sketched bust: ~$15

  • sketched half body: ~$20

  • sketched full body: ~$28

[ colored prices ]

  • colored bust: ~$26

  • colored half body: ~$32

  • colored full body: ~$50

backgrounds: any specific background will cost extra, otherwise a solid color background/transparent is free!

twitch emotes and sub badges:

[ emote prices ]

  • emotes: ~$20 each *

  • all emote sizes will be provided in addition to the original 1000x1000px (28x28px, 56x56px, 112x112px)

[ sub badge prices ]

  • badges: ~$16 each *

  • all badge sizes will be provided in addition to the original 1000x1000px (18x18px, 36x36px, 72x72px)

* prices will vary based on emote and badge complexity
additional: if you commission 4+ emotes or 5+ badges, a showcase is free!

terms of service

please read before commissioning!

  • I reserve the right to refuse your request

  • Prices will vary depending on commission complexity

  • I will not send the sketch or any requested WIPs until the full price has been paid

  • Any changes requested after I have sent the initial sketch will cost extra

  • NSFW: I do NSFW sometimes, DM me on instagram for more info :)

  • Cancellations: if the commission is cancelled anytime after I have sent the initial sketch, I will not send a refund

  • Commissioned pieces are for personal use only aka: please do not sell my work!

  • Payment: You do not have to pay immediately! I will only charge you once I have something to show. When I finish the sketch, I will request the full payment and send it over to you (right when I send the sketch is your chance to suggest small adjustments)! The finished piece will come soon afterwards

  • I accept both PayPal and Venmo! My username on both is @meggubii :]

  • Please do not remove my watermark! <3 thank u

i will not draw:

  • anything hateful! racist, homophobic, ableist, etc. depictions will be refused

  • complex mechs/armor

  • furry

Contact me:

if you have questions or are interested in a commission:
Shoot me a DM on Instagram!

what should I ask for?

here are some things to think about when asking for a commission:
Commission Type: ex: sketched bust, colored full, twitch emotes
Character: if your character is from a show, let me know their full name + show name. be ready to provide references I can use!
Background: OPTIONAL: if you'd like a specific background, let me know here. if not, a solid color background is free
Pose: OPTIONAL: if there is a certain pose you'd like, let me know here
References: any photos of your OC, desired outfit, background, pose, etc. are greatly appreciated! additionally, sending a couple of my own work that you like the most would help me out a lot :D
and anything else you'd like to tell me! These are just a few suggestions, we can work out the details together :]